For some applicants who have been declined for the SRD R350 Grant and have submitted their reconsideration application or appeal would want to know how to check their reconsideration status.

To check out the reconsideration status, follow these steps:
- Click on the link (this link is only available for applications from August 2021 up to March 2022 grants reconsideration, the new link effective April 2022 appeals is
- Enter your ID number and the phone number that was used to submit the application
- Click on the “send pin” button
- A message will be sent to the your phone number containing an OTP code and enter the pin into the space provided.
- When the reconsideration page is loaded fully, choose the month you want to check its status.
- If it is approved, it will be shown either with pay dates or without pay dates.
- If reconsideration is still pending, then you may have to wait for some time.
- Applicants are not to use checking of applications status to check reconsideration status.
- Check the image below for more information and reference.
Currently, there are hundreds of thousands of outstanding reconsideration applications from December 2021 to March 2022. SASSA has not officially communicate d as to when they are going to work on those and possibly make payments for who will be approved.